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Written by Marketing | Mar 8, 2023 3:26:28 PM

To celebrate International Women’s Day, we are highlighting some of the Veracity employees that make our company special. We are doing this by asking questions about both what makes them tick at work and how they balance their lives outside of work.

You can read part one of Q&A here. Once again, our featured Veraciteers are:

Linda Marshall: VP, Operations/Contracts

Linda is responsible for the day-to-day administration of contracts and overall compliance at Veracity.

Stacy Schieffer: VP, Client Advisory

Stacy leads Veracity’s utilities practice, helping our clients grow with the right solutions.

Hillary Stamper: Director of Community Impact & Employee Experience

Hillary works with community partners to figure out how we can come together while also working to better the work lives of Veracity’s team members.

Shea Murray: Senior Consultant

Shea has more than 27 years of experience in the utilities industry helping companies by delivering change management, testing, and training services.

Amy Riedel: Director of Talent

Amy oversees HR and the full recruiting process to ensure teams have the support they need to deliver excellence.

Terri Conner: Accountant

Terri helps with all things finance, from banking to troubleshooting issues and making systems work so employees can do their job without a financial hiccup.

What piece of advice would you give to the next generation of women entering the business world?

LM: Cultivate other smart business professionals to learn from, be comfortable in establishing and maintaining personal boundaries to maintain balance between personal and work, and be flexible in your review of long-term goals and how to accomplish what you want. Invest in your personal health as much as you would in your career or your savings. Retiring with money in the bank but with poor health won’t provide you the life you dreamt of.

SS: Okay, so I have several! Never sell yourself short – get rid of negative thinking, as it will tear you down. Think of the best outcomes instead of the worst outcomes and this will boost your confidence. Network and find people you can learn from, those that can build you up, and those that can provide constructive criticism for growth. Don’t procrastinate – that thing you fear should be the first to tackle on your list; run to it and deal with it so you don’t waste energy thinking about how it might turn out. Listening is important – you learn so much in a situation when you listen instead of always talking.

HS: I would pass on my favorite takeaway from conversations with Teresa (Carey, executive coach). You don’t have to be the loudest or the strongest in the room to be the leader that is needed. Be confident in your authentic self and lead with the gifts you were given. We all want to walk into rooms and prove ourselves in big ways but if you aren’t leaning on who you truly are in those moments, it’s not sustainable for a happy and successful life.

SM: Be strong, set goals, and never give up.

AR: Don’t ever compromise your integrity. Ask questions, that’s how we learn. Ask for help. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. Stay humble. Network. Laugh at yourself and with others. Go with your gut (the recruiters hear me say this daily!).

TC: Raise your hand, ask the question, be curious. Just don’t do it five minutes before the bell or recess. Also, as Mr. Wiley, VP of Finance and IT at SPX, would say, once in a while, you need to toot your own horn. Don’t be shy to ask for help. There are people who genuinely want to help you succeed and then be grateful. Be grateful by helping others.

What’s your perfect way to spend a day off?

LM: Outside in nature with family or friends or a using a rainy day to sip beer and cook a complicated recipe.

SS: Play golf with people I love hanging out with!

HS: My perfect day off would be brunch with friends on a patio to start the day, followed by anything outdoors: golf, hiking, park time, etc.

SM: A round of golf with my with favorite group of ladies.

AR: Weather permitting, it’s always best to be outside! And that means the pool every chance I get in the summer. Time with family and friends is precious. I love celebrating holidays, birthdays, and throwing a good party. A last-minute happy hour or BBQ can end up being a lot of fun as there isn’t the pressure of planning! Some of the best moments in life are spontaneous and I think we all have room to improve in that area since we seem to be dictated by our calendars.

While I thoroughly enjoy spending time with others and get energized from having those connections, I need my alone time to recharge and rest.

TC: Discovering family history, either mine or others. Live entertainment: rock n’ roll or R&B. Visiting people in person that I’ve not seen in a while.